The LSCE Executive is calling a Special Meeting for December 11, 2017 at 7:00 pm to vote on a Special Resolution regarding borrowing funds for the capital expansion. As we explained during the information night on October 30, we need to provide more classrooms for Covenant’s growing population. The Executive and the people who attended the information night agree that the most cost effective means to add space and prepare for future growth is to purchase a large modular unit to convert into multiple classrooms. Each person holding a membership as of November 11, 2017, may cast a vote on the Special Resolution (Lisa in the office can answer membership questions). An agenda for the meeting and an absentee ballot for those who cannot attend is attached to the Chronicle and available on the website (along with the October 30 presentation) at As this meeting will discuss only the one resolution, we expect it to run quickly and therefore will not provide babysitting. The Special Resolution reads as follows: That the Society borrows up to a 50% debt ratio to purchase suitable portables and to cover any capital expenditures related to the same.