Covenant Christian School


  • CCS Weekly Happenings…

    Posted on    Posted in Athletics


    On Monday, we hosted several visitors from South Korea who came to Covenant to learn about Teaching for Transformation.


    Elementary Girls Basketball: this team will have a busy week this week with two games (Monday and Wednesday), practices on Tuesday and Thursday and then their final tournament on the weekend!

    Elementary Boys: will have practice this week as usual in preparation for their final tournament next Saturday, January 25th.

    Junior High Junior Boys Basketball: will have their first league game at home on Tuesday after school.

    Junior High Senior Boys Basketball: will play their first league game on Thursday this week after school.

    Junior High Senior Girls Basketball: will play their first league game on Thursday this week after school.


    The grade five students went on a field trip to the Telus World of Science last week on Thursday to participate in their weather program and other exhibits related to their Science weather unit.


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