Covenant Christian School


  • Chronicle for May 4, 2022

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    Principal’s Message:

    As we all know, “Spring Fever” is in the air, and with it, our children have been acting like they typically do come May and June. While humorous at times, as a Dad, this can sometimes also be very frustrating, and as a Principal, it can become quite time consuming too. 

    I tell you this because the other day made me think of a devotional I did recently. The devo was by John Maxwell, and it was called “How to be a Good Dad”. You can find it here. My day wasn’t too atypical, but a conversation with a student made me stop and think. We were talking about a rather contentious issue, and I said to them that when at school, I need to make the decisions about you, just as your parent would. In fact, it is right in the school act, and called in loco parentis. I get to make these decisions for you.  The student began to understand, looked up and said, “so you have like 350 kids here?!” I said, “yep, and I love you all the same.” We both laughed and after we discussed consequences of actions and other things, he left, and I began to think about the devotion.

    In it, it talks about “Dad Lessons” and how and why we model and do things at home. While school is not home, the parallels began to hit me more. The line ” we deal with conflict, not because it energizes us, but because we honor truth and peace” sat with me immensely, as did, “I have the sacred trust of being a mentor.” As we mentor our kids, in this place and in this time, let’s strive to do so in a way that is not perfect – as we will fail, but simply in a way that is humble, intentional, and patient. In short, God-honouring. 


    Early Dismissal TODAY!

    Just a reminder that today is early dismissal at 2:30 pm. All students should be picked up by 2:40 pm.

    Track and Field – Helpers Needed!!

    After a two-year break, we are once again holding a CCS Track Meet on Friday, May 13 for all grade 1-9 students. This event requires a significant number of volunteers in order for it to be a success. If you can free up your schedule on May 13, please email Mr. Drader at [email protected] to let him know that you are available to help out. You may also include which event you would like to help out with if you have a preference. Thank you in advance!

    We are also looking for volunteers to donate baked goods that we will sell at our track meet concession. We will have a mixture of healthy options, as well as our typical concession-style items, including hot dogs! The baked goods would need to be individually wrapped and then sold as such. We are thinking if we stick to rice crispy squares, puffed wheat, and cookies (2 per wrapped package), it would be easiest for consistency. All revenue from the concession will be used to purchase more track day equipment (eg. shotputs, batons, discuses).

    Tents Needed for Outdoor Education CTF

    The Jr. High Outdoor Education class is looking for 6 larger tents to build and set up for next Wednesday, May 11.
    We would love to borrow them for one afternoon. We would ensure to set them up on school property and clean/sweep them out for you. We could also let you know if the tent has all pieces and is ready for your family’s summer enjoyment! All components would be packaged and returned to you that day. Please contact Michelle Clark at [email protected] if you can help out.

    Hot Lunch

    We have moved Hot lunch forms to a weekly format. The deadline will generally be Tuesdays at midnight for the following week’s order. However, if there is a holiday, ie. spring break, this may change slightly. Deadlines for order/payment will always be listed on the order form.

    School Council

    We want to thank all of the parents who joined us for our last Parent Council meeting. We welcomed many new faces, as well as had our BGSD School Trustee, Mr. Gary Hansen in attendance today. During the meeting we spoke about our “Covenant Copy”, the upcoming Track and Field meet (May 13th!), how to bless our teachers during Teacher Appreciation, and how we can help with the mental and spiritual wellness in our school community. We ended our time praying for Pigeon Lake Regional School, and Wetaskiwin school division. Our next meeting will take place on Thursday, May 26th, right after Celebration.


    We were excited to be back in person for our weekly Celebration assemblies! Celebration will be held on Thursdays for the month of May. All parents are welcome to join us!!

    Celebration of Learning – The Covenant Copy

    Before Easter, we sent home a copy of the first-ever “Covenant Copy” with the youngest child in each family.

    This document is a celebration of learning and showcases some of the amazing formational learning experiences that have gone on in our classrooms this year. It also covers some of the history of CCS, and how far we have come in the last 39 years.

    If after looking through it, you feel you would like an extra copy for extended family, grandparents, or friends, please email the office at [email protected]. There would be a $5.00 cost that goes toward publication.

    You can also view a digital copy on our website here.

    Lost & Found

    We will continue to post a photo of our Lost & Found each week in the Chronicle. If you see an item that is your child’s, please have them pick it up the next day or email the office and we will make sure it gets home with them.


    Floor Hockey

    We will have a grade 3 and 4 girls team playing in a tournament on May 6-7, 2022 at Corinthia Park School . The following weekend, May 13-14, the grade 5 and 6 boys will be playing at Corinthia Park as well.

    For those selected for the teams, please check your child’s PowerSchool account to complete the necessary permission form and payment.

    LSCE News:

    Book/Garage Sale & Fair – Saturday, May 28, 2022

    Calling all volunteers! I know many of you have been waiting for volunteer opportunities to become available again and here they are. We will be hosting a Book/Garage Sale & Fair at our school on Sat, May 28 from 10 am – 2 pm. We are looking for volunteers for a few different areas. Please click here if you are interested in signing up and helping out. If you have any questions they can be sent to [email protected]

    CCS Golf Tournament – Sunday, June 26, 2022

    Registration has now opened for our 2022 Covenant Christian School Golf Tournament! For those who came to our first annual event, you know that it was a ton of fun! With Roger Anderson and his crew of 4 sneaking away with the lowest score on the challenging Leduc Golf Course, the only question is, will they go back-to-back!?

    We are aiming for 144 golfers to join us and take part in an afternoon that is filled with prizes, giveaways, and hopefully some bad golf! Mr. Simmons will once again be willing to take a shot for you on one of the Par 3’s (he promises to try not to put so many people in the sand this time), and we have secured a $10,000 hole-in-one prize! Not to mention, we will once again have the opportunity to win a year of free tuition, just be closest to the pin on our 100-yard challenge (taking place immediately after all teams finish, and before supper!)

    If you want to sign up as a player, or if you would like to take on a sponsorship opportunity, please check out our website found HERE! for more details! Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact [email protected].

    Documents for LSCE AGM – May 11, 2022

    Our AGM is coming up on Wednesday, May 11, 2022, at 7:00 pm. In order to prepare for this evening, we have included the AGM documents below for your perusal.



    • 4 – Early Dismissal @ 2:30 pm
    • 10 – Hot Lunch – Dominios Pizza
    • 11 – LSCE AGM
    • 13 – Track and Field Day
    • 13-14 – Grade 5/6 Floor Hockey Tournament
    • 17 – Hot Lunch – Booster Juice
    • 19 & 20 – PD Days
    • 23 – Victoria Day – No School
    • 24 – Hot Lunch – Wok Box
    • 25/26 – Class Photos (More information to come)
    • 31 – Hot Lunch – KFC


    • 1 – Early Dismissal @ 2:30 pm
    • 7 – Hot Lunch – Boston Pizza (Pasta)
    • 10 – Grade 9 Grad
    • 14 – Hot Lunch – Subway
    • 21 – National Indigenous Peoples Day
    • 21 – Hot Lunch – Dominios Pizza
    • 28 – Last Day of School
    • 29-30 – Teacher Workdays

    Community Events:

    Please click on the image below to learn more about community events in our area! Also found under our Parents menu on the website.

    Odds & Ends:

    Sign In/Out Form:

    In an effort to reduce the amount of shared touched surfaces, we will be using a QR code that you will need to scan with your phone for signing in and out of the school. You can also use this link if you are in your vehicle and need to sign out a student but can’t scan the code. This means that students/parents/visitors can scan the QR code when entering or leaving the office/school to sign in or sign out on their own phone/device.

    Parents will also be able to sign their kids out from their vehicle in the parking lot when they arrive to pick them up for appts. etc. please use the link above if you can’t scan the QR code. We do ask that parents pull into a spot (not bus lane) where you can contact the office to let them know you have arrived and we can make eye contact with you
    from the staff/office door. Students must also stop by the office before leaving the school. At that point, once a connection is made, we are able to send students out to you.

    Facebook Page:

    Check out our Facebook page for more highlights of happenings at CCS by clicking here.

    Our Stories