Covenant Christian School


  • Chronicle for October 19, 2022

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    Principal’s Message:

    Today I would like to write to you about parenting. This is definitely not a “how-to” guide, nor is it a biography, but rather more of a “something to think about” article.

    I fail at parenting often. My wife often tells me that I use up much of my patience while at school, and it is short when I get home. This is probably true. I assume many of you have the same feelings when you get home at the end of the day. With that said, I know the feeling of just wanting to curl up and rest when we get home, yet the other expectations and responsibilities still exist. Suppers need to be made, laundry needs to be done, groceries need to be purchased, kids need to go to extracurriculars, bedtime routines need to be completed, and somewhere in that space we also need to find time for our own wellness. 

    This makes life incredibly busy, and often very tiring for you (and me too). Although, it is incredibly satisfying. Watching my own kids grow is one of the greatest things I get to do, and watching your children grow in front of me is pretty awesome too. However, I struggle with balance, I struggle with being present and enjoying the moment with my kids and family. I struggle with answering emails, texts, and looking at hockey scores once I am home. My kids don’t see me necessarily working, but being on my phone, not listening to what they are doing. This is what I want to touch on today. 

    I was recently reading (yes, on my phone), an article that was about “what children wished their parents knew.” So many of the articles were surrounding parental phone use, and the child’s perceptions of it. It was heartbreaking and a little convicting. I then read another article that showed “life-changing” events in teenagers’ lives, and 95% of them mentioned receiving their first cell phone as one of their main life events. 

    As we try to figure this out together, it is my encouragement that we put our phones away more often. That we talk to our kids, and talk to our significant others face-to-face more. Let’s use our kitchen tables for more than a staging area, let’s use them to learn more about ourselves and our families. 

    Yes, I am writing to all of you today, but I am mainly writing this for me. As we look to God’s table this year, we need to give ourselves opportunities to listen, as He is speaking to us in many ways. We just need to lower the distractions and listen. 


    Parent Teacher Conferences

    We will be holding Parent Teacher Conferences the week of October 24-28 from 3:45 until 7:30 in the evenings.

    Homeroom teachers will be available during selected times throughout the week to meet with parents in person! We strongly encourage parents to make an appointment with EACH of their student’s homeroom teachers. We will be using School Appointments online booking system again this year to book appointments. The system is set up so you can only book one appointment time per student. If you would like to book an appointment time with a teacher other than your child’s homeroom teacher, please arrange a time directly with that teacher via email.

    You will need to create a new username and password as all usernames and passwords from previous years have been deleted. The deadline to book your appointment(s) is THIS Friday, October 21 at 11:00 pm.

    Please see below for instructions on how to book your appointment:

    1. Go to SchoolAppointments and create your account by clicking on “Click Here to Register” in the Login box.
    2. Complete the account creation information and submit.
    3. Click on “Add a Student.” Complete the name and click Submit.
    4. Click on “Insert” to add your child.  Repeat Steps 3 & 4 to add all of your children.
    5. Click on the blue calendar button by one of your children’s names.
    6. Select the child’s homeroom teacher from the list of Calendars and select which day you would like to book the interview and then “View Calendars”
    7. Click on the time you would like to select for your student and their name should appear. If you change your mind, click on it again to delete it. Once you have the time you want, click on “Manage Students” at the bottom and complete the process for your next child etc.

    If you have any trouble accessing this program etc., please contact the school office for assistance.

    Parents of Junior High students! – As you can see, you are making this official time with your child’s homeroom teacher. This teacher does not teach your child all core subjects, although they will be using the 15 minutes speaking to your child’s spiritual, mental, and behavioral growth. Communication between parents and teachers is incredibly important, and this should be ongoing throughout the year. If you need to speak to the core subject teacher, please book a time directly with them for another date and time.

    Christian Teachers Convention

    On October 19th, CCS teachers will be making their way to Calgary to attend our annual Christian Teachers Convention taking place Oct 20-21st. During this time, we will be participating in a variety of sessions with our partners in Christian education from across the province, as well as taking time to team build, and get to know each other better. As always, we thank our Leduc Society for Christian Education for sending us to this impactful and meaningful conference, as well as BGSD for allowing our calendar to be different than other schools to ensure we go!

    Save-The-Date Book Fair

    Our school is hosting an IN PERSON

     Scholastic Book Fair 

    November 2-4, 2022!!!

    The Scholastic Book Fair is a fantastic way to continue to give our students access to the books they want to read. We are so happy that our students can interact with the Fair at our school, and choose their next favourite book!

    For parents, family, and friends who cannot check it out in person, we’re excited that you will still be able to shop our Virtual Book Fair Extension (see link below) on our Book Fair dates and select the books that inspire your readers from the comfort of home.

    All purchases benefit our school and earn Rewards that can be redeemed for books and Education Resources for our classrooms and school library.

    When it’s time to shop, visit our school’s Virtual Book Fair Extension site using this link:

    Before our Fair begins, click the link to:

    ⦁ SAVE it to your browser

    ⦁ WATCH videos of popular new titles

    ⦁ PREVIEW our Featured Books

    Watch for news leading up to our Scholastic Book Fair!

    Happy Reading!

    If you are interested in volunteering a couple of hours a day over the dates of the fair (looking for 2-3 persons, approx. 1-1.5 hrs  Wednesday and Thursday)

    Please email: [email protected]


    We hold weekly assemblies, which we call Celebration. We alternate between Wednesday and Thursday mornings each month so our kindergarten students are each able to join us every other month. We will hold Celebration on Thursdays for the month of October. All parents are welcome to join us each week!

    Hot Lunch

    We are excited to once again offer a weekly Hot Lunch Day! This year, Hot Lunches will be on Wednesdays. 

    If you have any questions or concerns regarding Hot Lunch, you can reach our Hot Lunch Coordinator, Mrs. Horvath, via email at: [email protected]

    Lost & Found

    We will post weekly pictures of our lost and found. If you see something that is your child’s, please have them stop by the table and pick it up or let the office know. We have an ABUNDANCE of lost clothing currently. We will be hanging on to this clothing until the end of the month and then donating anything left to a second-hand store here in Leduc.



    Junior Girls played in a tournament at Holy Spirit in Devon over the weekend and brought home the silver medal! Congratulations ladies!

    Junior Boys enjoyed a successful weekend at Holy Spirit Catholic School this past weekend winning golD. Last week they won their match verse West Haven and are currently sitting at the top of our league standing with two matches remaining in the season. This week they are at Sacred Heart! 

    Senior Girls continue to play their regular season play. They played at Sacred Heart in Wetaskiwin last Thursday.

    Senior Boys continue with their league games as well. They play today after school at home at CCS against Calmar.

    Elementary Catch Ball will be happening for all those students in grades 5 and 6 who would like to play. Catch ball is an introductory game to volleyball. The teams will hold practices at lunch recesses and participate in one tournament for the boys and one tournament for the girls. The boys’ tournament will take place this weekend on Friday and Saturday at Father Leduc.

    LSCE News:

    Save the Date

    The LSCE has some exciting events happening in the new year so mark your calendars!

    Saturday/Sunday, April 29/30, 2023 – 40th Anniversary Homecoming Weekend 

    Saturday, June 10, 2023 – 3rd Annual CCS Golf Tournament

    Executive Meeting Update

    The second Society Executive meeting for the 2022/2023 school year was held on Monday evening, October 17. Here are some highlights from our meeting:

    • Addition update: Our addition continues to progress well. The walls are up, and the roof is on! We are on target to have the addition completed by the end of November, with the conversion of the existing office space to our learning commons completed over the Christmas break. Thanks as always to our Facilities Manager, Curtis Plitt, for his hard work on this project!
    • CCS 40th Anniversary Celebrations: It’s hard to believe, but it’s the 40th anniversary of CCS this year!  We have struck a subcommittee to plan for celebrations to commemorate this special time. Please pray for us, and watch future issues of the Chronicle for announcements as plans come together!

    Little Caesars Pizza Kit Fundraising Opportunity

    For those of you who may have missed out on purchasing from our Little Caesars fundraiser, we have ordered a few extra kits that are available on a first-come-first served basis. Please see below for what is available and contact Afton at [email protected] if you are interested. 

    1 – Cheese Pizza kit – $30/ea

    1 – Pepperoni Cheese bread kit – $31/ea

    1 – Italian Cheese Bread kit – $30/ea

    ***Pick-up will be on October 19 from 2:30-3:00 pm and 3:30-4:00 pm***



    • 20-21 – Christian Teacher’s Convention – No School
    • 24-28 – Parent Teacher Conferences 3:45 – 7:30 pm


    • 1 – PD Day – No School
    • 7-10 – Midterm Break – No School
    • 11 – Remembrance Day – No School
    • 15 – Individual School Picture Retakes
    • 21 – Grade 6 & 9 Immunizations

    Community Events:

    Please click on the image below to learn more about community events in our area! Also found under our Parents menu on the website.

    KIDZAMANIA — FREE Community Event – October 31, 2022

    Join us October 31st for KidzAmania! Doors open 5:30 pm—9:00 pm for a safe and warm night at our family fun Halloween alternative.  It is a night filled with games, candy, live entertainment and fun to be had by all!

    Feel free to come dressed in a family-friendly costume and bring a bag of Candy and/or items for the Leduc Food Bank.

    Fall is here! Papa Johns would like to offer the schools, families, and staff our Harvest Special from October 11 to October 31, 2022.
    All you need to do is enter the promo code HARVESTSCH before placing your order online at, then mark your order for “pick-up” or “delivery”.
    You are welcome to pay either online when you pick up or when the pizzas are delivered.

    A Call-out to Past Cadets and Parents

    Parents, if you have been sorting through your child’s closet, and have come across an old Cadet t-shirt or uniform that your child no longer wishes to have, would you be willing to return them to the school office so that they may be used for this year’s Cadets? 

    Also, if you have an old RPB Guidebook, we can take those off your hands as well!  Please email [email protected] if you have items to give.

    Thank you,

    Ebenezer Cadet Club  

    Odds & Ends:

    Sign In/Out Form:

    In an effort to reduce the amount of shared touched surfaces, we will be using a QR code that you will need to scan with your phone for signing in and out of the school. You can also use this link if you are in your vehicle and need to sign out a student but can’t scan the code. This means that students/parents/visitors can scan the QR code when entering or leaving the office/school to sign in or sign out on their own phone/device.

    Parents will also be able to sign their kids out from their vehicle in the parking lot when they arrive to pick them up for appts. etc. please use the link above if you can’t scan the QR code. We do ask that parents pull into a spot (not bus lane) where you can contact the office to let them know you have arrived and we can make eye contact with you
    from the staff/office door. Students must also stop by the office before leaving the school. At that point, once a connection is made, we are able to send students out to you.

    Facebook Page:

    Check out our Facebook page for more highlights of happenings at CCS by clicking here.

    Buddies reading together for Read-In Week!

    Our Stories