Covenant Christian School


  • Chronicle, September 11th, 2024

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    Principal’s Message

    September 11th, 2024. 23 years ago today. I looked up at my parents’ tiny little TV sitting on top of our fridge and watched a plane crash itself into one of the Twin Towers. “What a stupid pilot,” I said to my dad (as I “borrowed” $20.00 for gas), and went out the door to drive to my University. Throwing a compact disc (CD) into my detachable after-market stereo, I naively drove through downtown without any realization of what was occurring. It wasn’t until I was in my P.E. building, that the levity of the day occurred to me. Our Human Anatomy instructor tried, to no avail, to bring the class back to curricula but succumbed to allowing us to watch intently on a TV that was wheeled into the room. Things got strange in Human Physiology when our professor left class in fear because of the rampant nationalist tension. Soon, that tension shifted to coming together. The images of firefighters, policemen, and civilians coming together to help. Hearing that strangers worked together to support those in need. The sights, sounds, and memories of that day will be forever etched into my memory.

    I used to ask students where they were and what they were doing that day; and now I have staff who were too young to remember – the joys of becoming… more wise, I suppose. With that said, it makes me think of how unified we became during that time as a continent. How we needed to become close to get THROUGH that day. As Kingdom-Builders, I hope that we can have that unity within our community to reflect God’s Image all of the time, not just in times of trouble or heartache.

    As I think back to 2001, I ask us to be that committed, that united, to community. I ask that we love each other because God loved us first. I ask that we lean on Him to get THROUGH every event in our lives.

    Thank you for walking down memory lane with me today. I pray that as you remember where you were (if you are old enough), you feel the same passion to be the hands and feet of Jesus.


    Parking Lot Safety

    Please read below about how to navigate our lot. Also, please make sure that:

    • You are only parking in designated parking spots
    • You are only driving in/out through the correct entry/exit ways
    • You are not driving in the bus lanes (only the two dedicated parent lanes)
    • You are not driving in or through our ditches
    • You are not dropping off kids by the dumpster/watershed

    Our parking lot was not designed for the amount and type of traffic that we experience, so we all need to cooperate to ensure the safety of our students. These are the key procedures:

    • Always enter through the south driveway and exit through the north driveway
    • Drive slowly and be particularly alert during recess and noon hour when the students are outside.
    • Do not drive through or park in the “BUS LANE” (the area between the school and the first row of cars) between 8:25-8:40 and 3:00-3:20 as this is when the buses are present or due to arrive.
    • If you want to park and walk your child to school, please park on the far west side of the parking lot (by the basketball court). Walk toward the auditorium and then up the crosswalk.
    • The middle of the parking lot is where vehicles drive through to drop off students. Students should exit vehicles quickly and make their way to school (NOT between the cars).
    • Students or adults should NEVERwalk between buses.
    • Yield to buses when they are arriving or leaving.
    • Take extra care when backing out of a parking stall as students are not always paying attention.
    • Also note – Doors open at 8:15 am for students, and classrooms open at 8:20 am.

    Covenant Canteen

    📣 Introducing the Cougar Canteen🐾🍬

    We are delighted to announce we are continuing – The Cougar Canteen! The Cougar Canteen isn’t just about snacks; it’s an empowering project designed to equip our students with essential life skills.

    Operating Details:

    🗓️ The Cougar Canteen will be available 1x/month for each division (announced in each week’s Chronicle).

    🕰️ The Cougar Canteen will be open during afternoon recess (2:00-2:15) on Thursdays.

    💰 If students wish to purchase a snack, $1-$5 is plenty!

    Snack Menu:

    🥔 Chips: $1.00

    🥤 Cans of Pop: $2.00

    🍭 Candy Bags: $1.00


    Div. 3 (Gr. 7-9): Thursday, Sept. 12

    Div. 2 (Gr. 4-6): Thursday, Sept. 19

    Div. 1 (Gr. 1-3): Thursday, Sept. 26

    Div. 3 (Gr. 7-9): Thursday, Oct. 10

    Div. 1 (Gr. 1-3): Thursday, Oct. 31

    Hot Lunch

    We are excited to once again offer a weekly Hot Lunch Day! This year, Hot Lunches will be on Wednesdays.

    You can find the forms for Hot Lunch in your student’s PowerSchool account. Orders will close on the Tuesday prior to the following week’s hot lunch at 11:59 pm.  All orders must be placed online, and payment must be made with form submission to be processed. (No cash or cheques are accepted). Please check your email for a confirmation receipt to ensure that your order went through.

    Our next hot lunch will be Boston Pizza, taking place on September 18th. The deadline to order is Tuesday, September 10th at 11:59 pm The forms for all of September and October’s lunches are now on PowerSchool).

    October’s hot lunch

    Oct 2 – Hotdog / Booster Juice

    Oct 9 – Panda Hut

    Oct 16 – Subway

    Oct 23 – KFC

    Oct 30 – Wok Box

    If you have any questions or concerns regarding Hot Lunch, you can reach our Hot Lunch Coordinator, Mrs. Hofstra, via email at: [email protected]

    Join our Production Team!!

    Our drama students are thrilled to get started on rehearsals for this year’s production of The Little Mermaid Jr. We are seeking community volunteers to help us build sets, costumes, props, and support in other ways too.

    Each Production Role will have a LEAD volunteer who will be responsible for attending production meetings, communicating with other Leadership roles, and coordinating their TEAM to complete tasks.

    If you are interested in volunteering for the Spring Production, please fill out the GOOGLE FORM (CLICK HERE) by checking off the LEAD and/or TEAM position(s) you are interested in.

    Please note:
    Rehearsals will take place in the auditorium every Friday afternoon with some extra rehearsals closer to the production date.
    Construction times will occur weekends and the occasional weeknight.
    Production meetings will take place once a month until the week of the performance March 17-21, 2025.


    Grade 9 Fundraising – OTTAWA TRIP!

    As the school year begins, we are busy planning many different things! One of those things is the first-ever CCS Grade 9 trip to Ottawa, Ontario. Over the May long weekend, our Grade 9’s will fly out to Ottawa, bringing the curriculum to life, as they also strengthen their bonds together as they complete their final year at CCS.

    They will be doing MANY fundraising items over the year, and I hope that you all can help us out in some way. We are looking at the best fundraisers, but currently, we also have an account open at the Leduc Bottle Depot. It is under Gr. 9 Ottawa trip. The account number that you can donate bottles to is 1131-A! If you are feeling led, please think about donating your bottles under that account today!!

    Terry Fox Run – Thursday, September 26, 2024

    On Thursday, September 26th, all families are invited to come and cheer on CCS Students as they take part in the Terry Fox Run. This event is for all students and staff. We will begin with an Assembly at 9:00 am, which parents are welcome to attend. After our short assembly, we will take our traditional all-school photo by the front doors of the school. We will begin the walk/run at 9:45 followed by recess and regular scheduled classes. To donate to the Terry Fox foundation, please follow the following link:

    School Council AGM – September 18, 2024DATE CHANGED

    Are you looking to get involved at CCS? Looking for a fun way to connect with other parents? Have a chance to get to know our principal? Then come join the School Council! Our AGM is Wednesday, September 18th right after Celebration. A link to the agenda can be found here

    Please email our Chair, Candace Dreger with any questions you might have [email protected]


    We hold weekly assemblies, which we call Celebration. We alternate between Wednesday and Thursday mornings each month so our kindergarten students are each able to join us every other month.

    Celebration will be held on WEDNESDAYS for the month of September.

    Junior High Retreat – September 18 & 19

    Our annual junior high retreat will be held on September 18 and 19 this year with Pastor Dennis Gulley as our guest speaker! We will need parent volunteers and drivers for this event! If you are planning to attend, please contact the office or your child’s homeroom teacher to let them know. You will also need to provide us with a Vulnerable Sector Check as well as an Intervention Record Check. Please contact the office if you require instructions on how to obtain them.

    Lost & Found

    We will post weekly pictures of our lost and found. If you see something that is your child’s, please have them stop by the table and pick it up or let the office know. All unclaimed items will be donated to a second-hand store at the end of each month.



    Covenant Christian School is once again starting up our athletics programming. It is a privilege for students to participate in extracurricular athletics. These athletics, unlike intramurals, are a representative team, meaning there can be cuts, and playing time is not always equal. With that said, participation is voluntary and not a requirement, nor is it an entitlement. Therefore, extra time and effort are required of those who participate. As a Christian school program, we are witnesses of God’s Kingdom, and our extra-curricular programs are an opportunity to showcase this. With that in mind, high standards must be maintained. Those who earn the privilege of representing Covenant Christian School in extracurricular athletics are expected to accept greater responsibilities as school citizens.

    Participation in extracurricular athletics is open to all students provided they meet the general requirements as outlined in the CCS Athletic handbook, and any requirements specific to the activity of their choice. This does not mean all students who try out will make a team, but all have an opportunity to try.

    Please read through the CCS Athletic Handbook, as it highlights some of our expectations for our parents and our athletes.


    For those of you who are willing, it looks like we will be in search of JR HIGH BASKETBALL COACHES for the 2024/25 season! We are looking for Jr/Sr boys and girls coaches. If you are interested, please email [email protected]

    Catch ball

    We will be offering catch ball to our grade 6 students this year again! Catch ball is a team sport derived from volleyball in which the ball is caught and thrown rather than hit. The sport was started in Israel and was designed to be a simpler version of volleyball. The rules of catchball are very similar to volleyball, though by allowing the players to catch the ball before throwing it to another player or over the net, it is easier to play and learn. Those who have indicated they are interested will be having practices begin towards the end of September and will have two tournaments to participate in in October.


    The volleyball season is drawing near. Tryouts have begun this week.  We’re looking forward to another great season of volleyball!

    Cross Country Running

    Stay tuned for further information on this event as well!

    LSCE News:

    Invoices for Tuition

    Invoices will be sent out in the next few weeks either via email or Canada Post depending on what you selected on your Returning Student or CCS Enrolment form.

    If you have any questions regarding payment of tuition, please contact Lisa Gatzke at 780-614-1557 or email her at [email protected].

    Fundraising Opportunities

    Davison Orchards

    Thank you to all of those who picked up your apples and pears. We currently still have 1 box of honeycrisps and 3 boxes of Bartlett pears. $42/each. Please call the office at 780-986-8353

    To keep up to date on all fundraising opportunities, please follow us on social media. 
    FACEBOOK – Fundraising



    • 11 – Dominos Hot lunch
    • 18 – School Council AGM (immediately following Celebration)
    • 18 & 19 – Junior High Retreat
    • 20 – PD Day – No School
    • 25 – Swimming Lessons Begin for Grades 3 & 4
    • 26 – Terry Fox Run
    • 29 – Orange Shirt Day
    • 30 – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – No School


    • 09 – BGSD School Trustee Visit
    • 09 – Individual AND Class Photos (grade configuration will be determined closer to this date)
    • 10 – Individual AND Class Photos (grade configuration will be determined closer to this date)
    • 11 – PD Day – No School
    • 14 – Thanksgiving Day – No School
    • 24-25 – Christian School Teachers’ Convention (Taber) – No School

    Community Events:

    Leduc Track Club

    The Bole X-Country Classis is coming up on October 10th for the Leduc Track Club. Please see Leduc Track Club for more information.


    Odds & Ends:

    Sign In/Out Form: Sign In/Out Form:

    Scan Me

    Please use the above QR code, orthis link, to sign your child in or out from the building. You can also come into the school and use the Chromebook provided in the office. Please make sure to let the office know you have collected your child before leaving the parking lot (phone call/eye contact) and ask your child to check in at the office when they enter or leave. This ensures everyone is accounted for appropriately in the case of an emergency.

    Facebook Page:

    Our Stories