Hospitality: serve coffee, food etc. during school events such as Welcome Back BBQ, Grandparent’s Day.
PR Committee will coordinate and organize, but can always use some extra hands.
Hot Lunch: prepare and/or distribute hot lunch (Wednesdays).
Classroom: watch the classroom newsletters for specific details as they arise and then contact the teacher directly.
Committee Involvement
Fundraising Committee: works with the Fundraising coordinator to organize fundraising opportunities such as sales (e.g. cookie dough, sausage) and events (e.g. auction)
Preschool Committee: encourages and provides organizational support to the Preschool program.
Facility Committee: monitors and makes recommendations regarding the long-term maintenance and capital projects
Finance Committee: works with the Society Administrator to monitor the Society’s financial position, including preparing the annual budget and year-end review
Public Relations Committee: organizes and/or supports events that promote the school both internally and externally (e.g. Welcome Back BBQ, Pastor’s Day).
School Council: serves as the parent advisory group for the principal concerning school events, programs etc.
Transportation Committee: works with the Transportation Coordinator to support the bussing program at Covenant
Leduc Society for Christian Education Executive: elected members who oversee the work of the above committees and ensure that the vision & mission of Covenant remain vibrant